Javid Rahman’s Report on the Crimes of the Iranian Regime Against Humanity on the Anniversary of the 1988 Massacre

In his latest report, Javid Rahman, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human
Rights in Iran, labeled the 1988 massacre and the 1981-1982 executions of thousands
of political prisoners as crimes against humanity. Mr. Rahman has exposed the Iranian
regime’s decades-long efforts to conceal the bloody hands of those involved in these
horrific crimes. His report details the murder, arbitrary and extrajudicial executions,
enforced disappearances, and torture of thousands of political prisoners and religious
Rahman’s report coincides with the 36th anniversary of the 1988 massacre of political
prisoners, which lasted from August to September. During these massacres, tens of
thousands of political prisoners were hanged based on Khomeini’s fatwa. The report
also highlights the role of Asadollah Lajevardi, a notorious executioner, in the 1981-1982
executions, showcasing the regime’s brutality in the 1980s.
Rahman repeatedly refers to the confessions of Hossein Ali Montazeri, Khomeini’s
deputy, regarding the massacre and cites Khomeini’s fatwa published in Montazeri’s
memoirs. The Special Rapporteur described these actions as “the worst and most
egregious human rights violations in our living memory,” emphasizing that the
perpetrators still hold power in Iran.
The report also addresses the sexual abuse of detainees, noting gender-based crimes,
including sexual violence against women and girls, committed by the regime during the
1980s massacres.
Javid Rahman’s report states that the international community has either been unable
or unwilling to hold Iranian officials accountable, allowing them to continue enjoying
governmental privileges and immunity from justice.
Despite Rahman’s comprehensive report, the Iranian people understand that the crimes
of the Islamic Republic have not diminished but continue to this day. While the regime
once tried to portray its opposition as a rebellious minority, over time, its true nature has
become clear to the people and the world.
The Islamic regime in Iran has a long history of crimes against humanity, and it is naive
to think that changing a president or implementing false reforms will lead to its downfall.
The only way to rid ourselves of 45 years of crimes and suffering is the complete
removal of the Islamic Republic.
We, the organizations and parties in the “Broad Solidarity for Freedom and Equality in
Iran” and the “Congress of Nationalities for Federal Iran,” call on everyone to cooperate
and assist in overthrowing the ruling regime to establish a republic based on
democracy, freedom, federalism, and the separation of religion and state.
July 26, 2024