Ilyas Mollazahi Speech In Bpp’s Berlin Demonstration

Balochistan has an area of 180,000 Square kilometres. There are more than four million Baloch in Iran. Baloch consider themselves a nation and Balochistan their historical land. They are the oldest native people of Iran.
Balochistan has an area of 180,000 Square kilometres. There are more than four million Baloch in Iran. Baloch consider themselves a nation and Balochistan their historical land. They are the oldest native people of Iran.
Baloch people face persistent human right valiant by The Islamic Republic of Iran has violated their human rights in the harshest ways. In fact, the Iranian government has violated all 30 articles of human rights charters in Balochistan.
The Baluch people at same time suffer from national religious, cultural and economic discrimination. When its come to Balochistan Iran do not respect it own constitution and disregard United Nations charters and conventions. Iran do not respect Baloch people’s dignity as human. It threats Baloch as third class citizens.
The Islamic Republic of Iran has deliberately formulated and implemented a series of policies to impoverish and supress Baloch people, make them economically weak. It has created social and economic circumstances so that unemployment rate is very high in Balochistan. Many Baloch are forces to migrate to neighbouring countries or other parts of Iran for job. Its all the that regime employ none Baloch in Balochistan in it policy to demographically change Balochistan population and turn Baloch to a minority in Balochistan.
One of Iran polices is to use extreme force in Balochistan in the form of execution and extra judicial killing. For example, the regime has killed all the men of several villages in Balochistan. This has been highlighted by Mrs. Molaverdy, the deputy president. By any standard, this is crime against humanity. There are also thousands of families that all male members of these families have been executed.
According to regimes own statistic more than 70% of the Baloch people leave under poverty line.
In the last 38 years of the Islamic Republic of Iran, there has not been even one governor, ambassador, minister or any other high ranking officer from the Baloch people.
The Baluch people are not free to have to worship their religious ceremonies freely. Thousands of Baluch people have been executed for their political opinions or religious beliefs. The number of Baluch people have been executed are much more than any other ethnic groups in Iran.
There are more than 700 schools which are made of plastic and cartoons. There is not even one equipped hospital in the whole province.
We are appealing to international community to become aware about the atrocities that Islamic Republic of Iran has committed in Balochistan. We are asking all freedom loving people and democratic government to support Baloch people struggle for their human right and condemn and stop Iran’s persistent human right violations against innocent Baloch people.