‘ir Sunnis Must Be Acknowledged Practically’

The outstanding Sunni leader, Shaikh-ul-Islam Abdol-Hameed Ismaeelzahi, talked to Sunni worshippers of Zahedan, Iran, on Eid Al-Adha day pointing the era of despotism has been over and the vigilant nations have raised to oust dictators across the globe.
Addressing about 200 thousands in the Grand Mosalla of Zahedan, he said that the Islamic awakening had spread in the region. People’s revolt to topple tyrant regimes and puppets would end up with their victory.
Khateeb of Ahl-us-Sunnah further said, “The Iranian Sunni community has been loyal to the country; Sunnis always urge on the national solidarity and protection of borders. They have given lots of sacrifices to defend their motherland. Sunnis mostly live in the frontier regions; so they gave numerous sacrifices of souls and wealth to protect Iran. Despite all these services, Iranian Sunnis have been suffering from severe discrimination in employment.”
The member of the International Union for Muslim Scholars went on to say more the biggest demand of Sunnis was “their religious freedom and their share in important posts must be acknowledged”. Although the national constitution recognizes Sunnis in Iran but on the grounds of reality they face discrimination; some elements have been striving to marginalize them.
The eminent Sunni scholar added more, “According to the middle opinion and my personal research, Sunnis of Iran at least constitute 20 percent of the country’s population. The question is that why they can not be minister, vice-minister, ambassador and governor? It is our legal right to be acknowledged and participate in the fate of our country. Iranian Sunnis want to enjoy full religious freedom in all regions of the country, whether they are in majority or minority; there must not be any fear while offering Eid, Friday and congregational prayers. They should not be harassed in academic, civil and military departments to not establish congregational prayers.”
Ahl-us-Sunnah should administrate their mosques & seminaries
Talking to tens of thousands Sunni worshippers in Zahedan, Shaikh Abdol-Hameed underlined Sunnis’ mosques and seminaries must not be handed over to Shia clerics. Sunni Muslims can easily control and organize their religious places. It is unfair to observe Shia religious places by Awqaf Department (endowment) and get the control of Sunnis’ mosques and schools by other entities.
“There are many capable intellectuals amongst Sunnis; they can run their religious places well. The government only can monitor them. We live freely together; when the Iranian regime valorizes Sunnis inside Iran, in fact it enhances the circumstances of Shia communities around the globe. Iran should be a role model for other Muslim states,” he added.
Affects of rife execution irreparable
The prominent Sunni scholar alluded to the vivid growth of execution in Iran in another part of his sermon on Eid Al-Adha of 2012 saying, “Increscent of capital punishment has worried us; it has irrecoverable affects for the country. Growth in the number of guardianless families, orphans, widows and eventually prevalence of depravity, poverty, enmity and insecurity are some bitter results of the mass death sentences.”
He expressed his regret as Sistan-Baluchistan province got the biggest share from execution in Iran. There is no any plan to provide sponsorship and financial aid to victims. The future of orphans is jeopardized and there is no any guarantee for their proper education and upbringing.
Pointing out to another negative affect of execution, Shaikh Ismaeelzahi stated, “The rival states and elements try to find any connection between hangs and Islam; while Islam does not support such behaviors. As an expert who has spent more than 50 years in studying and research on Islam, I know hanging people was not backed by Islam. A very few number of culprits were sentenced to death in the initial years of Islam under the rule of the beloved prophet, peace be upon him, and the Guided Caliphs. It was in the cases of Qisas (the Law of Equality). Even Islam encourages pardon in the cases of murder. It is better for the regime to stop execution.”
Trade and usage of narcotics Haram
He further said Sunni scholars are against trade and usage of drugs. They have issued this verdict on different occasions; but some greedy people want to collect wealth via this bad way. While some poor people choose this trade to earn some money for their families. They are victims of the first group who are being hanged widely.
“Drugs and opium destroy families; judiciary officials should not sentence anyone to death just for carrying narcotics. They are sons of the country and deserve mercy. Such people should be punished fairly; execution is not the solution. It is another problem itself. The 33-year long experience has proved that capital punishment could not eliminate drugs from the country,” Khateeb of Sunnis urged.
He asked officials to take the restive inflation crisis seriously as unprecedented high prices affected the lives of millions in the country. The rate of unemployment has hit record and increasing number of jobless citizens requires consideration of the administration.
Female students can not travel without Mahram
The rector of Darululoom Zahedan, Iran, indicated to a road accident in the western Iran where 26 female students lost their lives and some others got injuries. He expressed his deep sorrow over the incident and asked, “Our question is that why the Education Department gets people’s daughters to other cities for ‘tourism’ without their guardians? Why parents allow their daughters to make long trips to camp out and visit far areas alone? It is forbidden in Islamic jurisprudence especially according Hanafi jurists for females to go for Hajj, Umrah and outing without first family members, Mahram.”
Islam attacked by extremists and pro-West campaigners
Khateeb of Sunnis condemned the shooting incident in Pakistan’s Swat which left a female student seriously wounded. He said in this regard, “Assassination of Malala by some extremists wounded our feelings; some people think they have compassion and sympathy for Islam more than Allah Almighty and His last messenger! They put in their domestic customs in Islam and preach extremism.”
Shaikh alluded to the second class that defamed Islam and Muslims saying, “On the other hand, some elements promote beastliness and depravity; they are slaves of the West. But Islam is a moderate and sane religion; it is against depravity and corruption. Islam does not forbid females from education; rather it calls on men and women to get education but by taking care of Hijab.”
We hope soon Zahedan’s Sunnis get a place for Eid prayers
Then, Mawlana Abdol-Hameed continued his speech highlighting the issue of Mosalla of Sunni Muslims in Zahedan city and said, “We have been following the matter for 8 years; the present place is not sufficient for worshippers. The provincial administration should permit us to build a new place. As they shifted Friday prayers of Shia Muslims from Grand Mosque to Quds Mosalla and Eid prayers to a new place “Al-Mahdi” which is 60 hectare. We asked for 10 hectare less than Shias’ Mosalla but they have not permitted us yet. We and our forefathers gave sacrifices for this land to protect it; now at least we should be permitted to establish Eid prayers on it.”
Officials should pave way not halt Hujjaj
At the end of his discourse, Shaikh-ul-Islam talked about his failed trip for Hajj and said, “Previously I wrote a letter to the leader on the confiscation of some Sunni scholars’ passports. As officials informed us they had freed our passports. But they created some obstacles as we could not travel for the spiritual trip of Hajj. It was the third consecutive year we failed to visit Haramain Sharifain.”
He advised the Iranian officials to not forbid any one from Hajj even if the man is a prisoner. Hajj is a journey for purification and guidance; no one should be deprived of it.
Shaikh Abdol-Hameed asked the audience to make Du’a for the success of oppressed Syrian and Palestinian nations and all Mujahideen who struggle for freedom and justice on the path of Allah.