Pakistan is not a trustworthy country / Mashal Khan Takkr

Pakistan has no morality to be trusted. Pakistan is now Pakistan because of USA military, financial and economical support but even then Pakistan has been playing a double cross game with US too.
Pakistan is the product of the conspiracy and dirty role of British Empire in 20th century. Pakistan was given to Punjab as a gift to secure the benefits of the British empire and its allies in the future.
Every nation has its own character. The Punjabi has one character that they are only and only Punjabi first & last , then Pakistani. And the name of Islam is only exploited by Punjab.
But their policy has already failed in 1971 when more than half Pakistan became Bangladesh, whereas further disintegration is around the corner.
So Pakistan is Punjab and Punjab is Pakistan. Islam is just a tool used by Punjabis to dominate, robbed and exploit the other nationalities in Pakistan and thus to keep Pakistan intact.
But Pakistan came into being on the land of Bengalis , Baluch , Afghanistan and Sindhi, therefore after the separation of East Pakistan ( now Bangladesh) , Pakistan continuously has been suppressing the other three nationalities , the Pukhtun , Baloch and Sindhi. So the Pukhtuns, Baloch and Sindhi have been fighting against Punjab to get rid of Pakistan.
Being the occupant of Afghan territory from Durand line to Indus River,Pakistan has been interfering in the internal affairs of Afghanistan since its birth to destroy it.
But more than 80% of Pakistan Army, Judiciary and establishment belong to Punjab , so by these three forces , Punjab is sucking the blood of the small nationalities in Pakistan .
Using the holy name of Islam , Punjab has been the hub of religious terrorism not only for the suppressing the freedom fighters of the other nationalities in Pakistan but also sending these terrorists for their terrorist activities to Kashmir, India and the remaining peaceful world too.
The war in Afghanistan began on 27 April 1978, when the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan (PDPA) took power in a military coup, known as the Saur Revolution.
Till that time since its birth in 1947 , Pakistan had been interfering in the internal affairs of Afghanistan to destabilize and weaken it due to the territorial dispute between Pakistan and Afghanistan, because the British Empire had occupied land of Afghanistan from Durand line to Indus river and then handed over to its brainchild Pakistan in 1947.
But after the 1978 revolution in Afghanistan , Pakistan started direct interference in the internal affairs of Afghanistan. However, it was a blunt violation of Durand line agreement of its article 2.
After the revolution in Afghanistan , both Pakistan and Iran were on the same page in Afghan conflict. They both strongly opposed the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, supported the Afghanistan Mujaheddin and backed the international measures to isolate Afghan regime and the Soviet Union. But both Iran and Pakistan were supporting opposite factions of Mujaheddin and Iran never served the diplomatic links with the Kabul regime. Saudi in line with US and Pakistan supported the most radical Sunni groups to provide them funds & weapon and Iran supported the most radical Shia group.
The Saudis also separately funded Afghans who promoted Wahabbisim.
Dollar for dollar , Saudi aid matched the funds given to the Mujaheddin by the US.
The Saudis gave nearly US$ 4 billion in official aid to the Mujaheddin between 1980 and 1990 which did not include unofficial aid from Islamic charities , foundations , the private funds of princes and mosque collections.
There were also direct funds given to the ISI , as in 1989 when the Saudis handed over US$ 26 million to bribe Afghan leaders during the negotiations to form the Mujaheddin interim government in exile in Islamabad.
In March 1990, the Saudi came up with an additional US$ 100 million to Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and General Shah Nawaz Tani who wanted to organize a coup within the Afghan Army against President Najibulah which couldn’t take place.
During the 1980s and early 1990s ,the CIA had pumped cash stipends as high as $ 200000 a month to Ahmad Shah Massoud and his Islamic guerrilla organization, along with weapons and other supplies but the aid stopped in 1991 when the Soviet Union dissolved. The United states government decided it had no further interests in Afghanistan ( Ghost wars By Steve Coll).
After the withdrawal of Soviet Army , Afghanistan was handed over to the Pakistan Army and ISI which continued their dirty and hostile policy to destroy Afghanistan more and more.
As as result Afghanistan was collapsed. Kabul once an elegant city of broad streets & walled gardens turned into ruins and very worst place on the earth. No electricity , no food , no water while all the countries Pakistan , Iran , India , Saudi Arabia delivered pallets of guns and money to their preferred Afghan proxies. The governments of these countries sought territorial advantage over their neighbors.
Ahmad Shah Mahsoud was military leader but in 1996 his reputation had fallen to a low ebb. His troops showed poor discipline. Some of them mercilessly massacred rivals while battling for control of Kabul neighborhoods.
After 1992 , the Saudis continued to provide funds and fuel to the Mujaheddin government in Kabul. The fuel channeled through Pakistan , became a major source of corruption and patronage for successive Pakistani governments and the ISI.
Due to the estranged relations between Iran and the USA , the Afghan Mujaheddin groups in Iran received no international military assistance. Nor did the two million Afghan refugees who fled to Iran receive the same humanitarian aid which their three million counterparts in Pakistan received. Due to the war between Iran and Iraq, Iran had some financial problems but even then Iran was supporting the Afghan refugees by its own resource.
Iran initial support to the Mujaheddin only went to the Afghan Shias, in particular the Hazaras. Iran tried to train and finance the young generation of Hazaras to overthrow the traditional leaders who had emerged in Hazarajat in 1979 to oppose Soviet invasion. Eight Afghan groups were given official status in Iran. But by 1988 , with the Soviet withdrawal now imminent , Iran saw the need to strengthen Hazaras. They helped to unite the eight Iran-based Hazara groups into the single Hazb-e-Wahdat party.
Iran now pressed for Wahdat’s inclusion in international negotiations to form a new Mujaheddin government, which was to be dominated by the Peshawar – based Mujaheddin parties. Even though the Hazaras were a small minority and could not possibly hope to rule Afghanistan, Iran demanded first a 50-percent and then a 25 per-cent share for the Hazaras in any future Mujaheddin government.
A close ally of both Saudi Arabia and Iran, Pakistan stressed the need to maintain a united front against the Kabul regime. The Iran – Saudi Rivalry escalated after the 1989 withdrawal of Soviet troops when Iran drew closer to the Kabul regime. Iran considered the Kabul regime as the only force now capable of resisting a Sunni takeover of Afghanistan. Iran rearmed Wahdat and by the time Kabul fell to the Mujaheddin in 1992 , Wahdat controlled not only the Hazarajat but a significant part of west Kabul.
The split of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and Abdul Rasul Sayyab was a major setback for Saudis.
Gulbuddin Hematyar opposed the newly constituted government in Kabul and joined up with the Hazaras to bombard the Kabul City. Sayyaf supported the Mujaheddin government.
As the Afghan war intensified between 1992 and 1995, so did the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia. The Saudi and the Pakistanis were on the same page to sideline Iran and Hazara in any potential agreement among the various groups of Mujaheddin.