Protest Against Mass Execution And Arrest Of Baloch People In Iran: A Group Of Baloch In Scandinavia Held A Protest Rally In Stockholm, In In Front Of The Swedish Parliament, On 3 November 2012

According to Human right organizations regime is planning mass execution of Baloch political prisoners in Balochistan in coming days.
In recent months, the Iranian regime has increased mass arrests, executions and extra judicial killings in Balochistan. On October 21, three Baloch political prisoners were executed in Zahedan without due trial and access to defense lawyers.
According to Human rights organizations, the Iranian regime is planning mass executions of Baloch political prisoners in Balochistan in the coming days.
We, a group of Baloch activists, organized a demonstration in Stockholm, in front of the Swedish parliament and near the prime minister’s office to protest against:
– Mass arrest of Baloch political, cultural and religious activists as well as bad treatment of the Baloch prisoners in Iranian prisons.
– Mass execution, extra judicial killing.
The purpose of the protest was for the international public and human rights organizations to become aware of the persistent human rights violations of the Baloch people in Balochistan which is geographically located within present-day borders of Iran. The purpose of the protest was also to demand that the international community and public opinion pressures the Iranian government to:
– Respect and implement United Nations convention on human rights.
– To stop execution of the Baloch people, particularly Baloch political prisoners.
– To stop arrest and imprisonment of the Baloch people in Iran.
– To stop extra judicial killing.
– To respect the Baloch people’s culture, national right and religious freedom.
A group of Baloch in Scandinavia
3 November 2012, Stockholm