5th Century Arab Influences On Persian, Zorastrian, Hindu Scriptures

The same tradition has existed of the Brahui. They call themselves immigrants. Many scholars hold this same view of the Brahui such as L. H. Horace Perera and M. Ratnasabapathy. The main Iranian contributor to Brahui vocabulary, Balochi, is a western Iranian language like Kurdish

This article has been written by Dr. Abdul Jamil Khan

Tablet in Elamite language, from Louvre

Tablet in Elamite language, from Louvre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

ELAMITE to PERSIAN: Origins of Persian and Arab influence on Hindu texts
Sumerian, Akkadian, Egyptian ‘Maternal Matrix’ of world languages:
5th Century Arab influences on Persian, Hindu Texts
All Hindu books, Zoarastrian’s book, Avestaa, Vedidad etc appeared late around 4th-5th cent AD same as bible

Persian brick fragment from Marlik 1 REM

Persian brick fragment from Marlik 1 REM (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Modern Persian language, wrongly called ‘Aryan-Indo-European’ from Japhet, son of flood survivor Biblical Noah, now has its own “real history”.

As detailed in your current article (http://rupeenews.com/2013/02/3500-bc-arab-influences-on-ancient-pakistan-indus-valley-civilzation/) rather very diligently and convincingly that Ancient Sumerian plus ancient Akkadian, ancient Egyptian, constitute a “linguistic trio”-which later created Sanskrit (Malti Shidge). The trio, is the “Maternal Matrix” of all the world languages, ie Latin, Greek, and modern Persian, Dravidian, Hindi and Urdu etc.

English: “I am Cyrus, an Achaemenid King….

English: “I am Cyrus, an Achaemenid King.” in Old Persian, Elamite and ?Babylonian languages. It is carved on a column in Pasargadae ? ????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ???????? ?? ??? ???. Deutsch: “Ich bin Kyros, ein achämenidischer König” Auf Altpersisch, Elamisch und Babylonisch in Pasargadae. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

From 3000 BC to 100BC, Bactrian/ Iranian language was Elamite that had to absorb the words, syntax etc from the OLDEST TRIO. Thus we see, Achemenian kings, Cyrus, Darius, Cambyses etc, still using Elamite and also Akkadian which as said was the ‘lingua franca’ from South Asia to Egypt/Greece.

Aramaic script

Aramaic script (Photo credit: Begemot)

Elamite in cuneiform and Aramaic script was active during Grecian phase( 300 BC-100 AD) and its vocabulary was at least 50 % Aramaic/Arabic-Some where about this time ” Zoarastrian” religion appeared and Zoaraster’s origin and his original language still not known(no contemporary record ala Buddha).

The red ware style of of Elamite pottery was also similar to that found in Pakistan during the Mohenjo-Daro and Harrapa civilization.

Linguist David McAlpin has been a chief proponent of the Elamo-Dravidian Hypothesis. The Elamo-Dravidian hypothesis proposes that the extinct Harappan language (the language or languages of the Indus ValleyCivilization) may also be part of the same family. McAlpin (1975) in his study identified some similarities between Elamite and Dravidian. He proposed that 20% of Dravidian and Elamite vocabulary cognates while 12% are probable cognates. He further proposed that Elamite and Dravidian possess similar second-person pronouns and parallel case endings. They have identical derivatives, abstract nouns, and the same verb stem+tense marker+personal ending structure. Both have two positive tenses, a “past” and a “non-past”.

Apart from the linguistic similarities, the Elamo-Dravidian Hypothesis rests on the claim that agriculture spread from the Near East to the Indus Valley region via Elam. This would suggest that agriculturalists brought a new language as well as farming from Elam. Supporting ethno-botanical data include the Near Eastern origin and name of wheat (D. Fuller). Later evidence of extensive trade between Elam and the Indus Valley Civilization suggests ongoing links between the two regions.

The distribution of living Dravidian languages, concentrated mostly in southern India but with isolated pockets in South Eastern Iran, Southern Afghanistan and Pakistan (Brahui) and in Central and East India (Kurukh, Malto), suggests to some a wider past distribution of the Dravidian languages. However, northern Dravidian languages like Brahui, Kurukh and Malto have varied opinions about their origin. The Kurukh have traditionally claimed to be from the Deccan Peninsula, more specifically Karnataka. The same tradition has existed of the Brahui. They call themselves immigrants. Many scholars hold this same view of the Brahui such as L. H. Horace Perera and M. Ratnasabapathy. The main Iranian contributor to Brahui vocabulary, Balochi, is a western Iranian language like Kurdish

Dravidian Temple

Dravidian Temple (Photo credit: Scalino)

Thus all Hindu books, Zoarastrian’s book, Avestaa, Vedidad etc appeared late around 4th-5th cent AD same as bible. People started calling it Language of PARS- ie Persian. So you see here again a process of cumulative evolution , and NOT a conqueror, invading and imposition his language.

Geographic distribution of Persian (Light Gree…

Geographic distribution of Persian (Light Green) and other Iranian languages (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Dr David Mcalpine’s work is basic on Elamite, a close sister of Dravidian. David McAlpine believes Elamite may be related to the living Dravidian languages (of southern India, and Brahui in Pakistan)-http://keywen.com/en/BRAHUI. So the story of Persian is similar to story of Urdu/Hindi ( my book-Urdu Hindian Artificial Divide) of Hindustan or Persian of Iran or Turkish of turkey.

There is a great need to reclassify languages based on grammar, syntax, and structure to replace the current one based on NOAH’s 3 nation theory. I have made perhaps the first such attempt in ch 17 of my book.

Closeup on the Linen Book/Mummy Wrappings of t…

Closeup on the Linen Book/Mummy Wrappings of the Lost Etruscan Language (Photo credit: Curious Expeditions)

Your article (http://rupeenews.com/2013/02/3500-bc-arab-influences-on-ancient-pakistan-indus-valley-civilzation/) on ancient history is great. Thanks for a update. Egypt has been down played abused/ ignored, perhaps because of Biblical fiction, exodus, Moses etc. We know that Christian theology/rituals are all Egyptian. And there is some evidence that Zoraster and Buddha were Egyptian priests exiled by Cambyses the Persian. Some Egyptian words are found every where:

Geb=hill gave us Geb/Jeb Ra(lord) el( high)= Gebrael

Reclining Buddha

Reclining Buddha (Photo credit: @Doug88888)

Kermit means black as the Nile valley had turned black fertile. this contrasted red land non fertile. Egyptian word for red is Desert; so we got English word Desert. Another word DUN means land surrounded by water an island; this gave us DUNIA and LYON-DUN= London.Word RA(lord/God) became RAB in summer, RAM/rai/rao etc in india. And Chinese/Tibetans cannot say “R” and use “L” instead- so we have LAM/LAMA from RAM/RAMA of Buddhism.

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