The video of the Reading of the resolution of “Balochistan People’s Party” by Mr. Akbar Shahnoi in the demonstration “No to execution” in the city of Cologne Germany, on April 6, 2024.

The most brutal punishment that should be abolished is execution! Execution is a barbaric punishment that must stop NOW.
It is one of the most cruel forms of state punishment that primarily enforced by totalitarian ideologies or self-righteous beliefs, in non-democratic countries.
Execution aimed at instilling fear by revenge killings and terror to maintain the totalitarian and corrupt regimes for plundering national assets under the shadow of fear amongst public.
Out of 195 independent countries of the world, 108 countries have abolished the death penalty in law for all crimes, and 7 countries have abolished it for ordinary crimes.
In more than a quarter of the world’s countries, although the death penalty is included in their laws, it is practically not carried out.
Only about 18% of the world’s countries, mainly totalitarian dictatorships, execute death sentences.
Iran has allocated the highest per capita execution rate in the world to itself relative to its population.
Among them, Balochistan, which is governed by a colonial military system regime that has the highest number of executions.
Almost 30% of over all executions in Iran are in Baluchistan based on Amnesty International statistics and while baloch population only consists about 3% of Iran.
Zahedan and Khaash cities Bloody Fridays mass executions during the 2022-2023 “Woman. Life, Freedom” movement, are the proof of the harsh policy of the Iranian Islamic regime’s committing crimes against humanity towards Baloch, Kurd, Arab and other oppressed nations in Iran.
The fascist regime of the Islamic Republic not only seeks to instill fear and terror in Baluchistan but also aims to create conditions that allow for further militarization.
This militarization policy actions enables the government to achieve its goals of dividing Baluchistan and establishing settlements for non-native populations, while displacing indigenous people to the outskirts of cities in order to manipulate the demographic and territorial structure of the region.
The regime’s security policy with the use of its military forces creating division among the Baluch people to achieve its targets.
The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps control and leads the drug trafficking mafia in the region and has a role in spreading the drug addiction among the young generation in Baluchistan and all over Iran.
The IRGC in order to demonstrate their fight against the drug traffickers to the world, they often arrest none collaborating small-scale drug dealers and subject them to various torture and forced confessions, and then hand them over to the execution squad.
Balochistan People’s Party(BPP) considers the act of execution, in contradiction with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, atrocious, inhumane, and unethical.
In its agenda, it advocates for the abolition of executions under any pretext or justification.
BPP strongly condemns post-bloody Fridays executions and deems them as governmental killings to instill more fear and terror in Baloch society and to suppress activists, where the number of Baloch executions is consistently increasing.
BPP urges the international community and human rights activists to put pressure on the Islamic Republic of Iran to halt executions.
BPP requests the foreign authorities of the democratic countries of the world to ask Islamic Republic in their diplomatic meetings with their counterparts to refrain from using executions as a tool to achieve political goals.
Balochistan People’s Party
April 6, 2024