Conference In European Parliament: Exploring The Path Of Federalism In The Middle East

Speakers: Tunne Kelam, Nasser Boladai, Marino Busdachin,Marco Scurria, Ivan Serrano & Ricard Vilaregut, , Loghman Ahmedi, Michael Jewkes, William Spencer
Exploring the Path of Federalism in the Middle East
The Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), in coordination with the office of Mr. Tunne Kelam MEP, will hold a conference on the ways federalism could contribute to the democratic development of countries in the Middle East.
Wednesday 2 October 2013
14:00 – 16:00
Room ASP 5E3
European Parliament, Brussels
18 September 2013, Brussels – The office of Mr. Tunne Kelam MEP (EPP) and the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) will be convening a conference in the European Parliament to explore the opportunities for developing federalism, as a means of enhancing democracy and stability in the Middle East.
Iran will be given special attention to at the conference, considering the country’s civil society and political movements that stand as a telling example in the pursuit of federalist modes of governance – an aspiration that is visible in the Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (CNFI).
With two panels hosting international experts, from governmental, academic and civil society backgrounds, the conference will raise the question of what opportunities there are for federalism as a strategy to enhance democracy and stability in the Middle East. Following an in depth overview of the challenges facing the different ethnic and religious groups in Iran, the conference will offer insights into how decentralization could enhance the current status of minorities in the Middle East.
To register for this event, please contact UNPO sending your full name, nationality, organization, ID/Passport number and residence to [email protected]
Registration closes on 25 September 2013
For media queries please contact:
Maud Vanwalleghem | +32 251 314 59 | [email protected]
– See more at:
1.15pm Registration
2pm Opening Remarks
Tunne Kelam – Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group)
Marino Busdachin – General Secretary of UNPO
Marco Scurria – Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group)
Panel I – What Future for Human Rights and Federalism in the Middle East?
Setting the Record Straight: Iran’s Ethnic Composition, Ayda Karimli
(Southern Azerbaijan)
The Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran: Challenges and Opportunities, Loghman Ahmedi, CNFI (Sweden)
Federalism as a way to accommodate the needs of minorities: the case of Iraq, William Spencer, Institute for International Law and Human Rights (U.S.A.)
Panel II – Enhancing Democracy through Federalism
Sustainable Reconciliation through Federalism, Michael Jewkes
Expert on Federalism, KU Leuven Inst. of Philosophy (Belgium)
State reactions to National Minorities in the Middle East: A Focus on Iran, Nasser Boladai, Balochistan Peoples Party and Congress of Nationalities for a Federal Iran (Sweden)
Democracy and Accommodation of National Minorities in Europe: Policy
solutions for the Middle East, Ivan Serrano & Ricard Vilaregut
On behalf of the Centre Maurits Coppieters and CIEMEN.
Conference Close
Speakers: Tunne Kelam, Nasser Boladai, Marino Busdachin,Marco Scurria, Ivan Serrano & Ricard Vilaregut, , Loghman Ahmedi, Michael Jewkes, William Spencer