Obama’s Speech: The Kurds Win Where Maliki Failed

In Obama’s speech the efforts of the Kurdish president and prime minister to win international support for the Kurds against IS bore fruit, giving Kurdistan a diplomatic boost.
Several hours ago US President Barack Obama delivered a speech about the situation in Iraq, particularly the plight of the Yezidi Kurds stranded on Mount Shingal for nearly a week.
He said that Washington would act to prevent a genocide by the terrorist Islamic State (IS/ISIS) against innocent Yezidi women and children. And he said that the American air force would conduct air strikes against any IS advance towards the Kurdistan Region, where US diplomats, civilians and military advisors are based.
In Obama’s speech the efforts of the Kurdish president and prime minister to win international support for the Kurds against IS bore fruit, giving Kurdistan a diplomatic boost.
Obama’s speech and his authorization of air strikes against the Islamist group will boost global backing for the Kurds against the expansionist and murderous group.
The Kurdish leadership achieved a great success in winning allies against IS, something Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki could not do, despite all his efforts.
The liberation of the Kurdistan Region was also achieved by the international reaction to the crimes of Saddam Hussein against the Kurds in 1991. Later on, by pursuing a careful policy Erbil managed to win regional and international recognition.
The Kurds themselves struggled hard, sacrificed and did what they could. But they needed world support, and they still do.
Obama’s speech and the promise of air superiority in the fight mean that Kurdistan will win the war against the Islamic State. And with that support the Peshmerga forces and Kurdish diplomacy will save the entire region from the threat of this extremist group.
Source: http://rudaw.net/english/opinion/08082014