Pm: Interpellation To Minister By Bodil Ceballos (Mp) Swedish

Over the past year, 10 baloch European opponents of the regime handed over to Iran. 4 of them were hanged recently in a prison in Zahedan. For one week ago, was arrested a Norwegian human rights activist (Norwegian citizen) during a visit with relatives in Pakistan. Pakistan and Iran have an extradition agreement and the family now fears that he be extradited.


As no one can fail to notice it happens very much in Iran right now. It is not only the election results is unclear, although President Ahmadinejad also now formally installed in office. The large amount of executions that have taken place in recent times of prisoners who do not have to do with the demonstrations is a question mark. In light of the development, it is difficult to understand why the Swedish ambassador was at the installation. Moreover, this is where Sweden is the country chairing the EU and thus representing the whole EU. Was it rooted in other countries?

Immediately following the installation starts then the trials of demonstrators and it is found that employees at the French Embassy “forced” to recognize all sorts of crimes, to provide their homeland with information on developments in the country during demonstrations etc, which would be embassies to do. The Foreign Minister has condemned this, several other EU countries with France in the lead has condemned it. The EU countries’ embassy staff were accused because of the demonstrations should have led to an even greater restrictiveness of the EU and that, at most, sent a junior official to the installation.

Not only the elections and the events after it has been the focus during the summer. There have also been developments in neighboring Iraq after U.S. withdrawal. Eg the Iranian refugees in Ashraf camp been attacked by Iraqi forces. Several people have been killed, many wounded and 36 people detained. The residents of Ashraf fears returning to Iran where they with the greatest probability of detention and where they risk the death penalty. Whatever the Iranian resistance movement previously engaged is a return to a regime that can not guarantee whether a fair trial or not to torture and the death penalty will be used incorrectly.

However, it is not only the residents of Ashraf camp in danger of being sent back to Iran. It takes place also with balocher. Over the past year, 10 baloch European opponents of the regime handed over to Iran. 4 of them were hanged recently in a prison in Zahedan. For one week ago, was arrested a Norwegian human rights activist (Norwegian citizen) during a visit with relatives in Pakistan. Pakistan and Iran have an extradition agreement and the family now fears that he be extradited.

A further example in the summer are the “tourists” who “accidentally” get into Iran, although they have been warned. For what reason they were in the country, I have no information on. However, I know that they can get very bad, just as the two Swedes who previously “accidentally” find themselves on Iranian territory.

I understand that it is difficult to act in certain cases when it comes to Iran, but it is perceived to be that we were in the internal affairs or if we throw stones when we are sitting in glass houses (Sweden expel refugees to Iran despite the fact that we know what they can get). However, we have the opportunity to highlight the regime by, for example, not participate in ceremonies, and through the (stricter penalties). We also have the opportunity to dialogue with the countries around to persuade them not to send back refugees who risk imprisonment, torture or death to Iran.

I would therefore ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs:

Does the Minister take the initiative to Sweden and the EU should do more political markings on Iran to come?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to prioritize the Iran issue?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to act for the release of all detained EU citizens and third country nationals in Iran?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to hold dialogue with neighboring countries and the UNHCR on the management of people at risk of repatriation from refugee camps or through extradition agreements risk the same?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to assist the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the case of the Norwegian citizen?


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Bodil Ceballos (mp)

ID: 455113 2 (2)


Interpellation TILL STATSRÅD


Som ingen kan undgå att lägga märke till händer det oerhört mycket i Iran just nu. Det är inte bara valresultatet som är oklart, även om president Ahmadinejad nu också formellt installerats på posten. Den stora mängden avrättningar som skett på sistone av fångar som inte alls haft med demonstrationerna att göra är ett frågetecken. I ljuset av utvecklingen är det svårt att förstå varför den svenska ambassadören var på plats vid själva installationen. Dessutom sker detta när Sverige är ordförandeland i EU och därmed representerar hela EU. Var det förankrat med övriga länder?

I direkt anslutning till installationen börjar sen rättegångarna mot demonstranterna och det visar sig att anställda på franska ambassaden “tvingas” erkänna allehanda brott, som att förse sitt hemland med information om utvecklingen i landet under demonstrationerna etc, vilket torde vara ambassaders uppgift att göra. Utrikesministern har fördömt detta, flera andra EU-länder med Frankrike i spetsen har fördömt det. Att EU-länders ambassadpersonal var anklagade med anledning av demonstrationerna borde ha lett till en ännu större restriktivitet från EU:s sida och att man på sin höjd skickat en lägre tjänsteman till installationen.

Inte bara valet och händelserna efter det har varit i fokus under sommaren. Det har också händelseutvecklingen i grannlandet Irak efter USA:s tillbakadragande. Bl.a. har de iranska flyktingarna i Ashraf-lägret blivit attackerade av irakiska styrkor. Flera människor har dödats, många har sårats och 36 personer hålls fängslade. De boende i Ashraf fruktar återsändande till Iran där de med allra största sannolikhet kommer att fängslas och där de riskerar dödsstraff. Oavsett vad den iranska motståndsrörelsen tidigare ägnat sig åt är ett återsändande till en regim som inte kan garantera vare sig rättvisa rättegångar eller att inte tortyr och dödsstraff kommer att användas felaktig.

Det är dock inte bara invånarna i Ashraf-lägret som riskerar att sändas tillbaka till Iran. Det sker bl.a. också med balocher. Under det senaste året har 10 balochiska regimmotståndare överlämnats till Iran. 4 av dem hängdes nyligen i ett fängelse i Zahedan. För någon vecka sedan greps en norsk människo­rättsaktivist (norsk medborgare) vid ett besök hos släktingar i Pakistan. Pakistan och Iran har ett utlämningsavtal och familjen fruktar nu att han skall utlämnas.

Ett ytterligare exempel under sommaren är de “turister” som “råkat” ta sig in i Iran trots att de blivit varnade. Av vilken anledning de befann sig i landet har jag ingen information om. Däremot vet jag att de kan råka mycket illa ut precis som de två svenskar som tidigare “råkade” befinna sig på iranskt territorium.

Jag har förståelse för att det är svårt att agera i vissa fall när det gäller Iran utan att det uppfattas som att vi lägger oss i interna angelägenheter eller som om vi kastar sten när vi sitter i glashus (Sverige utvisar också flyktingar till Iran trots att vi vet vad de kan råka ut för). Vi har dock möjlighet att markera mot regimen genom att t.ex. inte delta i ceremonier och via EU (skärpta sanktioner). Vi har också möjlighet att föra dialog med länderna runt omkring för att förmå dem att inte sända tillbaka flyktingar som riskerar fängelse, tortyr eller dödsstraff till Iran.

Jag vill därför fråga utrikesministern:

Avser ministern ta initiativ till att Sverige och EU skall göra tydligare politiska markeringar mot Iran framöver?

Hur avser ministern, i sin roll under ordförandeskapet, att prioritera Iran-frågan?

Hur avser ministern, i sin roll under ordförandeskapet, att agera för en frigivning av alla fängslade EU-medborgare och andra länders medborgare i Iran?

Hur avser ministern, i sin roll under ordförandeskapet, att föra en dialog med grannländerna och UNHCR om hanteringen av de människor som riskerar hemsändande från flyktingläger eller som genom utlämningsavtal riskerar detsamma?

Hur avser ministern, i sin roll under ordförandeskapet, att bistå det norska utrikesministeriet när det gäller den norska medborgaren?



Bodil Ceballos (mp)

ID: 455113 2 (2)


Interpellation TO MINISTER


As no one can fail to notice it happens very much in Iran right now. It is not only the election results is unclear, although President Ahmadinejad also now formally installed in office. The large amount of executions that have taken place in recent times of prisoners who do not have to do with the demonstrations is a question mark. In light of the development, it is difficult to understand why the Swedish ambassador was at the installation. Moreover, this is where Sweden is the country chairing the EU and thus representing the whole EU. Was it rooted in other countries?

Immediately following the installation starts then the trials of demonstrators and it is found that employees at the French Embassy “forced” to recognize all sorts of crimes, to provide their homeland with information on developments in the country during demonstrations etc, which would be embassies to do. The Foreign Minister has condemned this, several other EU countries with France in the lead has condemned it. The EU countries’ embassy staff were accused because of the demonstrations should have led to an even greater restrictiveness of the EU and that, at most, sent a junior official to the installation.

Not only the elections and the events after it has been the focus during the summer. There have also been developments in neighboring Iraq after U.S. withdrawal. Eg the Iranian refugees in Ashraf camp been attacked by Iraqi forces. Several people have been killed, many wounded and 36 people detained. The residents of Ashraf fears returning to Iran where they with the greatest probability of detention and where they risk the death penalty. Whatever the Iranian resistance movement previously engaged is a return to a regime that can not guarantee whether a fair trial or not to torture and the death penalty will be used incorrectly.

However, it is not only the residents of Ashraf camp in danger of being sent back to Iran. It takes place also with balocher. Over the past year, 10 baloch European opponents of the regime handed over to Iran. 4 of them were hanged recently in a prison in Zahedan. For one week ago, was arrested a Norwegian human rights activist (Norwegian citizen) during a visit with relatives in Pakistan. Pakistan and Iran have an extradition agreement and the family now fears that he be extradited.

A further example in the summer are the “tourists” who “accidentally” get into Iran, although they have been warned. For what reason they were in the country, I have no information on. However, I know that they can get very bad, just as the two Swedes who previously “accidentally” find themselves on Iranian territory.

I understand that it is difficult to act in certain cases when it comes to Iran, but it is perceived to be that we were in the internal affairs or if we throw stones when we are sitting in glass houses (Sweden expel refugees to Iran despite the fact that we know what they can get). However, we have the opportunity to highlight the regime by, for example, not participate in ceremonies, and through the (stricter penalties). We also have the opportunity to dialogue with the countries around to persuade them not to send back refugees who risk imprisonment, torture or death to Iran.

I would therefore ask the Minister for Foreign Affairs:

Does the Minister take the initiative to Sweden and the EU should do more political markings on Iran to come?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to prioritize the Iran issue?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to act for the release of all detained EU citizens and third country nationals in Iran?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to hold dialogue with neighboring countries and the UNHCR on the management of people at risk of repatriation from refugee camps or through extradition agreements risk the same?

How does the Minister, in his role during the presidency, to assist the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the case of the Norwegian citizen?


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Bodil Ceballos (mp)

ID: 455113 2 (2)


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